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When I first came I tried my best to hide my wounds with my wings so no one could see


After lots of love I realized that I didn't need to hide anymore


Over time I got stronger and my new feathers covered my scars


Now I'm a fancy hen!


But I'm always happy to give up the spot light for this stuff they call watermelon!!!

Attila the Hen

     Attila's is a sad but all too common tale of Easter chicks.  She was bought with 3 other chicks for a little girl with all the best intentions as a cute Easter gift.  While all chicks are cute and fluffy, all chicks do grow up and to the untrained eye it can be hard to sort the boys from the girls.  In Attila's unfortunate series of events, she was the only girl and naturally the smallest of the group.  As if that weren't enough, the parents of the little girl were only able to care for the chickens every other weekend, as her parents ended up going through a messy divorce.


     Fortunately, all it takes is a brave voice to call attention to an unfortunate situation and the chicken's were brought to safety.  Attila was in very rough shape being the smallest and having to fight over food.  With limited space at the time, the boys were brought to good health and placed in loving homes but Attila's scares ran deep requiring extra care.

She eventually earned the name Attila the Hen not just because of her now enormous size, but after lots of encouragement, she is now the fearless leader of all the hens!  


Attila's Upkeep Per Year:

(exact figures coming soon!)

*All chicken's are closely monitored by Dr. Jones and receive regular physical exams, body condition monitoring, fecal exams, deworming, ect.....$0

*Chicken Feed.....$50

*Coop Bedding.....$35

*Treats and Enclosure Enrichment.....$75


Total..... ~$160/ year

(these numbers are based off of last year's care cost and will be subject to change as her needs or prices do. We are very open about all cost and care details, so if you would like specifics please contact us)


If you would like to sponsor Attila or help with any of her upkeep please click on the sponsor link above

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